FDG P-61 part III Common Files (1113) CFS2 Aircraft (American)
fdgp61_3_common.zip (2.61 Meg) (downloaded 543 times)
These are mandatory files needed for the fdgp61_3_pac files: Wolfi's crew figures, 2d and VC panel & gauges, drop tanks, pylons, and 1600 lb. bomb. The other required downloads are Dbolt's db_us_wep_v2a.zip and Fighter Design Group FDG_Weapons_v1.2b.zip from the Sim-Outhouse CFS2 download library. This is the 3rd revision of the FDG P-61 based on previous work done by Captain Tenneal (model rescaling as part II) and the original FDG model. Please read the credits for all that made this update/revision possible. Enjoy!
by Oglivie (2009-02-24 22:56:54)
fdgp61_3_common.zip (2.61 Meg) (downloaded 543 times)
These are mandatory files needed for the fdgp61_3_pac files: Wolfi's crew figures, 2d and VC panel & gauges, drop tanks, pylons, and 1600 lb. bomb. The other required downloads are Dbolt's db_us_wep_v2a.zip and Fighter Design Group FDG_Weapons_v1.2b.zip from the Sim-Outhouse CFS2 download library. This is the 3rd revision of the FDG P-61 based on previous work done by Captain Tenneal (model rescaling as part II) and the original FDG model. Please read the credits for all that made this update/revision possible. Enjoy!
by Oglivie (2009-02-24 22:56:54)