FDG2 DC3 SWPTO skinpack UT.zip

FDG2 DC3 SWPTO skinpack UT.zip 2024-05-16

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FDG2 DC3 SWPTO Skinpack by UncleTgt

This is a collection of repaints for the FDG2 DC3 for CFS 2. They depict aircraft that served in & around the SWPTO.

A tweaked model is included, with a slight sheen & shiny glass, plus some of the vibrant purple parts that showed in the lower LODs have been recoloured. Some of the repaints are for unpainted aircraft, so a "shiny" aluminium model is also provided.

I've revised the DP file to fix some obvious omissions & improve the visual damage effects when in combat. I also took the opportunity to add kelticheart exhaust effects.

New payloads have been added, using DBolt US bombs to mimic the weight carried during transport missions.

The textures are:

PK-AFV My impression of the infamous "diamond" flight, crashlanded on the shoreline near Broome, WA, March 1942

VH-UZJ Unpainted & still rather shiny, this Australian National Airlines aircraft was flying Australian Commandoes into Wau during May 1942

VH-CXD Used to carry personnel & materials to & from Port Moresby Papua New Guinea throughout 1942

VH-CCC Pictured at Garbutt 'drome, NT during July 1943, VH-CCC sports the short-lived red outlined star & bar insignia.

CH-CDJ Also pictured at Garbutt 'drome, NT during July 1943, an unpainted VH-CDJ sports the simpler white bar added to the earlier US star.

To install, unzip the download to a temporary location & move/ copy files to the matching folder names inside your chosen CFS 2 install.

Thanks to: The Fightertown Design Group for the original aircraft.

Martin Wright for so many useful tools - I used MDLmat to give the glass parts some sheen.

Allen for his DOSmdlv2 - I used it to give the model a slight shine.

Kelticheart for his prop bitmap & exhaust effects.

This is freeware and subject to the usual conditions.


AUG 2022
First release
Last update
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