FDGv2 Curtiss P-40E Warhawk

FDGv2 Curtiss P-40E Warhawk 2024-04-26

No permission to download

Thank you for choosing another FDG plane and for supporting www.donationware.net!

Follow the prompts in the install wizard and the P-40 will be automatically installed into CFS2 or FS9 for you. If you wish to do a manual install, please point the installer towards a temporary folder and unpack the contents. You can then places the files into the proper location at your own discretion.

No uninstall program is included with this software. To uninstall, find the P40_uninstall.log file located in the [root]\Aircraft\FDG2_P-40E folder. This contains a list of all the files installed and their locations. Delete the listed files and the plane is uninstalled.

Copyright Info:
This package is "donation-ware". That is, our work and the small fee charged for it go to support
server costs for www.sim-outhouse.com and www.combatfs.com. No parts may be used for or
included in other works, or files altered for this plane or other planes without written permission
from the authors. You may make a copy of these files for your own personal backup, but you may
not share them or the registration password with another person or upload it to any site other than

New skins can be done without permission, but only the skins may be uploaded. You must call them "repaints".

Except for the texture files, no files in this package may be altered, including the readme.txt and any other documentation!

This plane is NOT to be uploaded to any site other than www.donationware.net. Although we have done extensive testing, you use this product at your own risk!
We accept no liability, real or implied, under any circumstance.

Special Thanks go to…

Airfile: Fliger747
Custom Drop Tank gauge for the FS9 version: Robert Sanders
Sounds: Lawdog2360

Thank You,

Fightertown Design Group 2

Anthony Sullenger, Mike Wagner, Dave Adams, Lobo de Silva, Kevin Bacon, and Bill Ross
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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