FDGv2 North American P-51b Mustang

FDGv2 North American P-51b Mustang 2024-04-27

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North American P-51B Mustang: Capable of escorting B-17's from Great Britain to Berlin and back and the equal of any German conventional fighter in air-to-air combat, it helped change the course of WWII.

Fightertown Design Group V. 2 Anthony Sullenger, Mike Wagner, Kevin Bacon, Pete Haley, Dave Adams, Lobo de Silva For Contact: gramps@sim-outhouse.com or blindbacon@hotmail.com

LEGAL: This package is DONATIONWARE. The authors will receive no compensation for making it. No parts may be used or included in other works, or files altered for this plane, or other planes. New skins can be done with the author?s permission, but only the skins may be uploaded. You must call them "repaints". You MAY NOT upload the whole plane under any circumstances.

This plane IS NOT to be redistributed, re-uploaded to another site or posted for download on any site for any reason, it is donationware and exclusive to the Sim Outhouse.

Although we have done extensive testing, you use this product at your own risk! We accept no liability, real or implied ,under any circumstance. Thank You, Fightertown Design Group version 2
First release
Last update
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