FG SM82 Cargo GER LR UT.zip

FG SM82 Cargo GER LR UT.zip 2024-05-03

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FG SM82 Canguro for CFS2 by UncleTgt

This is a conversion of the SM82 Canguro by F.Giuli for CFS 2.

The pack includes a new air file, optimised for AI & player aircraft performance. A completely new 2D panel was provided by MVG & Kelticheart, & they also created some Italian gauges specifically for this conversion.

The ventral turret uses the concorde nose/retract key, bomb bay doors & exits use the usual spoiler & Cockpit commands.

Because of the variety of uses the Canguro was put to during it's service, & the limitations of CFS 2 in depicting fuel & payload options, it will be uploaded as a series of six different role-specific aircraft. This is solely to simplify installation. The complete listing is:

SM82_Bomber_LR (long range bomber)
SM82_Bomber_SR (short range bomber)
SM82 Cargo_LR (long range transport)
SM82 Cargo_SR (short range transport)
SM82 Cargo_LR_GER (long range tranport using German weapons)
SM82 Cargo_SR_GER (short range transport using German weapons)

This version is the SM82_cargo_LR_GER (long range transport using German weapons)

The texture supplied is: 1Z + BX Transport Gruppe 1, circa July 1942.

To install, unzip the download to a temporary location & move/ copy files to the matching folder names inside your chosen CFS2 install.

Thanks to: F. Giuli for the original Savioa Marchetti SM82 Canguro.

Allen for his DOSmdlc_2, making shine & mdl size changes possible in WIN7+.

Martin Wright for so many useful tools, in this case in particular MDLmat allowing aircraft model material transparency & colour changes.

Shessi for the steer on the best material colours & properties for clearer cockpit glass for CFS2.

Kelticheart for his exhaust effects, & inspiration for the propeller bitmaps.

Manuele Villa & Kelticheart for their work on gauges & the 2D Panels.

Peperez for his work on the airfile.

This is freeware and subject to the usual conditions


APR 2019

First release
Last update
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