Fictional - Buffalo Airways C-BFL0 747-400F for PMDG 747

Fictional - Buffalo Airways C-BFL0 747-400F for PMDG 747 2024-07-08

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I give you a Buffalo Airways 747-400F Cargo Plane. Buffalo has always been interested in being able to offer supply service in larger quantities to communities in northern Canada. And now, they can, with the purchase of their first jumbo jet. Limited passenger seating is available, but this baby is all about the packages.

Slight logistical issue has arisen, though. They hadn't thought about the fact that there aren't any runways long enough for a jumbo jet in the far reaches of the north.

But small issues have never deterred Buffalo from exploring new adventures. So, here she is. If you really push her, she will take off from Yellowknife on RWY 16/34. She will need all of the runway, but she will make it. Landing . . . yup same thing. She will need all of the runway and you will need to service the brakes after landing, but heck, brakes are cheap. Right? Oh, and, she doesn't fit in the hangar so maintenance has to be done on the tarmac. Make sure you have your hand warmers in your pocket when changing out those brakes at -45.

This is textures only for the PMDG 747-400F. You must own the PMDG 747 QOTS II to use this texture file. The textures will work on both the FSX version and the P3Dv4 version.


Fictional - Buffalo Airways C-BFL0 747-400F for PMDG 747.jpg

Submitted by Canuckshaw
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