These are all replacement textures for the Flight Replicas Bf-109F for FSX. The main fuselage and, wings, and stabilizers have been doubled in size to 2048-pixels, then saved in a DDS DXT5 format. If you desire not to replace the .bmp textures, take them to a separate folder and save them to replace my DDS textures. I don't think you will if your rig is fast enough.
I also made a prop blur to replace that atrocious black blur in the original for all flight models. The Thumbnails were left in their original condition without swastikas, except for my repaint included of Franz Ziegler's JG27 F-4. For that reason and in case the Europeans would like DDS textures without the swastika, I have included a separate folder of the fuselage textures without swastikas. The folders contain all the needed textures, simply replace the existing texture folders with my folders. For those not wanting or by law not allowing swastikas, you will have to open the optional folder with the fuselage texture and replace those in the new DDS textures. These are also in DDS format.
No tweaking of any .cfg needed except for the Messerschmitt Bf-109F-4 where I added Ziegler's aircraft. The information needed to be added to that .cfg is found in the Read Me file within the Messerschmitt F-4 folder.