Flight Replicas Bf109K-4 as G-14/G-10 318 Sq. RAF

Flight Replicas Bf109K-4 as G-14/G-10 318 Sq. RAF 2024-05-31

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This is a repaint of the Flight Replicas Bf109 K-4 as a Bf109 G-14A/S (some say G-10) that served briefly with 318 Polish Squadron RAF in Italy during 1945. The story goes that it was captured by the Americans who swapped it along with a Bucker Bestmann for a bottle of whiskey. I'd have held out for a case of red wine at the very least but there you go.

The '109 was swiftly repainted in 318 Squadron colours but there are no reliable references for the scheme used. Most show standard RAF day fighter camouflage plus a red spinner, others suggest RAF grey/green topsides only (presumably with the underwing crosses painted over) and some have it in RAF desert camouflage.

Photos help a little (the squadron markings, the prop spiral showing through, some of the camouflage pattern) but it's easy to mistake staining for paint, and the lack of a clear demarcation between top & bottom surfaces has led some to suggest that the aircraft was sprayed in just 2 colours.

Ever conventional, I've gone for the standard day fighter camouflage of the time - RAF Ocean Grey and RAF Dark Green with RAF Medium Sea Grey undersides. The two greys aren't that far apart, especially in a poor quality black & white photo. All RAF fighters in that theatre had the Sky tail band overpainted and a dull red spinner. The squadron codes LW seem lighter than medium sea grey but not quite white so I did them in Sky.
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