Resource icon 2024-06-10

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This is a CFS3 skins package that was originally posted on the Netwings site. They were intended for stock CFS3 and/or CFS3 with Firepower ONLY. Nothing has been modified in any way and it is still in it's original *.zip file. Here is the README for full acknowledgement:

FM CFS 3 REPAINTS - fm_ju88a_4daa
Junkers Ju 88A-4 Stab KG 30 4D + AA Battle of Britain
Original 3D model: Microsoft
Flight Dynamics: Bill "Spitfrnd" Wilson
Flight Model Workbook V2.83.58
Damage Model Workbook Version 2.23
Repaint done by Foute Man
This plane is a repaint of the Ju88a4_Kamp51 by Bob "Wulfmann" Ruff, Bill "Spitfrn" Wilson and Dan Swart, mission plane for the Battle of Britain German Fighter Pilot mission set by Wulfmann. It was originally painted as an optional mission plane for a Battle of Britain German Bomber Pilot mission set by Wulfmann. At the time of writing this readme file this mission set is still in progress and it will feature another Ju 88A4 repaint by Foute Man.
The plane has the same flight dynamics as the Ju88a4_Kamp51, this means the latest versions of the Flight Model Workbook (V2.83.58) and Damage Model Workbook (Version 2.23) have been used by Bill "Spitfrnd" Wilson. To avoid any collision with Battle of Britain mission planes, another naming conventions has been used for this plane. The .xdp file has been edited so this plane will not spawn in the game....
The repaint itself is based on instructions found in tutorials about Luftwaffe Battle of Britain paintschemes. It is not based on any picture found anywhere, but it is for sure a 8./KG 51 9K + BS Ju 88A4 flew during the Battle of Britain. On august 12th 1940 it formed a kette together with 9K + AS and 9K + ES during a bombing raid.
During the Battle of Britain 8./KG 51 was part of Luftflotte 3 and based on Etampes-Mondèsir.
This plane has been painted in RLM 70/71/65 summer textures ( daybombing ) only.
This plane will be auto-installed on your computer to the right place in your CFS 3 folder. Included is a .bat file wich copies and renames some CFS 3 stock files to the newly created aircraft folder. After this proces a patch program will be started, writing some bytes to the stock files and making the plane a standalone file.
The batfile is can be run from the FM CFS 3 Repaint folder in your Startmenu.
This program should not harm your computer, but using it is still on your own risk. I do not accept any responsibility for any damage done to your computer by running this program or the files it installs
feedback will allways be appreciated
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Foute Man
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