Focke Wulf FW-200C series 2nd part
The Focke Wulf FW 200 C series was a long-distance sea reconnaissance aircraft of the German Luftwaffe in World War II. world war. It was developed from the civilian version FW 200 A and B and then by the Luftwaffe used in different versions.
The civilian version has been developed by Hauke Keitel in a very well implemented add-on. he has uploaded this AddOn on under the name P3D v4 Focke Wulf Fw200A2 as a file released.
After consultation, Mr. Keitel gave permission to add this add-on and to release the extension under the same terms as its original specifications. I now have done the extension of the Luftwaffe versions as the series using the original FW 200 C0 to FW-200 C8, made as good and close to the original as I can. The models were developed and tested exclusively for P3D 4.5. Possible that you also can use in FSX and other P3D versions. However, I can neither check nor guarantee this. Please note the conditions specified in the original readme file by Mr. Hauke Keitel. They of course are also fully valid for my extensions, since this extension is based on the original and this is absolutely necessary.
So here you will get some new models. Inside models vom "Fliegerstaffel des Führers" (all the plane from government) and some other new models.
The supplied extension contains only the files necessary for the supplement and alone it is not executable.
I hope you will enjoy these new models.
Klaus Nowak (aka klnowak in Sim Outhouse)
March 2022
The Focke Wulf FW 200 C series was a long-distance sea reconnaissance aircraft of the German Luftwaffe in World War II. world war. It was developed from the civilian version FW 200 A and B and then by the Luftwaffe used in different versions.
The civilian version has been developed by Hauke Keitel in a very well implemented add-on. he has uploaded this AddOn on under the name P3D v4 Focke Wulf Fw200A2 as a file released.
After consultation, Mr. Keitel gave permission to add this add-on and to release the extension under the same terms as its original specifications. I now have done the extension of the Luftwaffe versions as the series using the original FW 200 C0 to FW-200 C8, made as good and close to the original as I can. The models were developed and tested exclusively for P3D 4.5. Possible that you also can use in FSX and other P3D versions. However, I can neither check nor guarantee this. Please note the conditions specified in the original readme file by Mr. Hauke Keitel. They of course are also fully valid for my extensions, since this extension is based on the original and this is absolutely necessary.
So here you will get some new models. Inside models vom "Fliegerstaffel des Führers" (all the plane from government) and some other new models.
The supplied extension contains only the files necessary for the supplement and alone it is not executable.
I hope you will enjoy these new models.
Klaus Nowak (aka klnowak in Sim Outhouse)
March 2022