Focke-Wulf Ta 152H-1

Focke-Wulf Ta 152H-1 v.3

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Focke-Wulf Ta 152H-1

Unit: 7/JG301
Pilot: unknown

The Focke-Wulf Ta 152 is a German high-altitude fighter–interceptor designed by Kurt Tank and produced by Focke-Wulf. It entered production too late and in insufficient numbers to have a significant role in the Second World War.

The Ta 152 was a development of the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 fighter. In 1944, the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (German Air Ministry) decided that new fighter aircraft titles must include the chief designer's name. The aircraft design was therefore given the prefix Ta for Kurt Tank. It was intended to be produced in at least three versions—the Ta 152H Höhenjäger (high-altitude fighter) which was to be equipped with MW-50 methanol boost for altitudes up to 30,000 feet and GM-1 nitrous oxide boost for altitudes above that.; the Ta 152C designed for medium-altitude operations and ground-attack, using a Daimler-Benz DB 603 and with smaller wings and the Ta 152E fighter–reconnaissance aircraft with the engine of the H model and the wing of the C model. Only the H model was produced, the first Ta 152H entered service with the Luftwaffe in January 1945; one month later production of the Ta 152 had ceased due to Germany's declining position in the conflict.

The actual total number of Ta 152s produced is unknown. But some sources believe that 20 H-0 pre-production aircraft were built - without the 2 boost systems and no wing tanks - but 14 were destroyed on the ground by a USAAF strafing attack before they could be delivered. A further 23 H-1 versions were built and delivered. Production records show that the MW-50 systems and wing tanks were installed in the H-1 aircraft, but It is unclear if the intended GM-1 injection was ever actually fitted to any of the Ta 152’s other than certain development test aircraft.

Initially a Luftwaffe Wilde Sau unit, III./Jagdgeschwader 301, was equipped with the Ta 152 in January 1945 for day fighter operation. It flew them operationally for a short time. In March, when it became clear that Ta 152 production would not allow JG301 to be fully converted, the surviving Ta 152s, both pre-production H-0’s and H-1’s, were pooled in a special Stabstaffel JG 301, first based at Alteno Air Base near Luckau, then at Neustadt-Glewe in Mecklenburg. The Stabstaffel never had more than 15 Ta 152Hs.


Aircraft Model, VC, paint textures, and 2D panel: Captain Kurt - I guess I can't really call this a Team Daedalus project anymore as I am the only remaining member still active. However I need to recognize Paul Straney as my modeling mentor and his previous modeling work on the many Team Daedalus Messerschmitts and the original Virtual Wings Fw 190 Doras which has guided my efforts.
Pilot figure: Shessi
Prop blur: Keticheart:
Gauges: o2 Wachter and Sauerstoff gauges by AliCat, most of the gauges by FSD, and other gauges by Microsoft or authors unknown
Sound files: Lawdog2360
Flight Files: Uses the 714/257th 1% project version 2.80.57 Ta 152H flight files. They are closer to performance specs than I have been able to achieve.
Drop tank and rack: Pstrany / Virtual Wings

Ta 152H-1 of 7 JG301.jpg
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  1. Focke-Wulf Ta 152H-1 v3

    corrected 2d panel, cowl louvers, and flap extensions