Many thanks to the author (SWingman) for such an exquisite rendition of this iconic aircraft.
Several machines were captured by Finnish troops in their Continuation War against the Soviet Union. Four of them were subsequently utilized by the Ilmavoimat (FinnAF). This aircraft marked VU-3 is depicted as it looked in the Summer of 1944 when its Finnish camouflage of black, olive green and light blue was already quite worn. After the ceasefire agreement with the USSR in September 1944, the yellow "Eastern Front" markings were removed.
Part of the camouflage is new (sides) and follows the profile used to prepare these textures. The rest is based on the layout used for the Normandie-Niemen as a complete layout (top/bottom/sides) was not available to verify this but it is highly improbable that the Finns would have opted to make a totally new layout instead of using part of the one already available on the aircraft... (call it a SWAG or artistic license)!