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88mm Flak18/36/37 & Sdkfz7 tractor for CFS2 by UncleTgt

Destroyable objects for use in missions. Classed as vehicles so they can be spawned during a mission, but can be placed as infrastructure too.

Models included:

GER_flak18gelb_dplyAA_UT 88mm flak deployed to engage aircraft. Painted in "gelb" dark sand.

GER_flak18gelb_dplyAT_UT 88mm flak deployed to engage ground targets. Painted in "gelb" dark sand.

GER_flak18gelb_trvl_UT 88mm flak limbered for travel. Painted in "gelb" dark sand.

GER_flak18grau_dplyAA_UT 88mm flak deployed to engage aircraft. Painted in "grau" panzer grey.

GER_flak18grau_dplyAT_UT 88mm flak deployed to engage ground targets. Painted in "grau" panzer grey.

GER_flak18grau_trvl_UT 88mm flak limbered for travel. Painted in "grau" panzer grey.

sdkfz7gelb_canvas_UT sdkfz7 halftrack prime mover, with canvas top. Painted in "gelb" dark sand.

sdkfz7gelb_UT sdkfz7 halftrack prime mover, open-topped. Painted in "gelb" dark sand.

sdkfz7grau_canvas_UT sdkfz7 halftrack prime mover, with canvas top. Painted in "grau" panzer grey.

sdkfz7grau_UT sdkfz7 halftrack prime mover, open-topped. Painted in "grau" panzer grey.

The flak18 deployed models are single LOD, the travelling models are multi-LOD. All models have their own damage models.

The sdkfz 7 half tracks are multi-LOD, & include damage models. The start point for these was the CFS macro object developed by Edmundo Abad. I enhanced the textures & then using GMax I set about adding LODs & damage models to his original work. I was then able to create a destroyable behicle object that could be used in CFS 2.

To install, unzip the download to a temporary location & move/ copy files to the matching folder names inside your chosen CFS 2 install.

Thanks to: Allen for his Making Exploding Objects using FS2002 Tools & Tutorial.

Arno Gerretsen for ModelconverterX, such a clever & versatile tool.

Edmundo Abad for his CFS macro api vehicle objects, a useful starting point for the halftrack.

This is freeware and subject to the usual conditions.


DEC 2021
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