(3.76 Kb) (downloaded 580 times)
You are a gunner in a German AA tank Supporting Tigers defending an ammunition dump. Allied aircraft have been making life miserable for the tank crews and you must provide cover for them. Get the Wirblewind from Netwings per the read me 1% gunpack not needed on this tank. O-1
by O-1Driver (2006-03-15 16:11:08)
Submitted by O-1Driver
You are a gunner in a German AA tank Supporting Tigers defending an ammunition dump. Allied aircraft have been making life miserable for the tank crews and you must provide cover for them. Get the Wirblewind from Netwings per the read me 1% gunpack not needed on this tank. O-1
by O-1Driver (2006-03-15 16:11:08)
Submitted by O-1Driver