Halifax beta 1.1 (10) CFS3 Betas
Halifax_mk3.zip (1.02 Meg) (downloaded 1723 times)
Updated version of Halifax beta should have basic texture correction and xdp for turrets updated any offers of help with textures or cockpit would be much appreciated as not area of expertise tia starrynites any probs pm or thread me at the SIM-OUTHOUSE cfs3 forums.
by StarryNites (2005-01-21 18:11:55)
Halifax_mk3.zip (1.02 Meg) (downloaded 1723 times)
Updated version of Halifax beta should have basic texture correction and xdp for turrets updated any offers of help with textures or cockpit would be much appreciated as not area of expertise tia starrynites any probs pm or thread me at the SIM-OUTHOUSE cfs3 forums.
by StarryNites (2005-01-21 18:11:55)