Hawker Hurricane Mk.I ML-KNIL Z5664

Hawker Hurricane Mk.I ML-KNIL Z5664 2020-02-23

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This folder contains a repaint for the Hawker Hurricane by Aeroplane Heaven. It shows Hurricane Z5664 of the Dutch East Indies Air Force.

The KNIL (Dutch East Indies Army) had ordered 12 Mk.I's in 1941 but these were never delivered due to a lack of engines. But 39 Hurricanes destined for the RAF in Singapore were diverted to the Dutch East Indies after the fall of Singapore early 1942. They arrived with HMS Athene in Batavia on February 4th 1942, with 4 more arriving with SS Phrontis from Singapore. These aircraft were then taken into service by the RAF and Dutch. The Dutch aircraft, about 12 retained their RAF colours, national insignia were replaced by the orange triangles.

The Hurricane's equipped two units, of which one aimed especially at the defense of Batavia.

They saw action against the Japanese invaders in February and March 1942. There are no pictures known of these aircraft, but there are some records on them. Some were painted in the RAF desert camouflage, others the European camouflage.

Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the paint kit by Aeroplane Heaven.
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