(3.05 Kb) (downloaded 501 times)
You do not need the Korea expansion to fly this mission, only the HU-16 aircraft located at Netwings. You have landed on a narrow river behind North Korean lines to rescue a US Gunboat crew from their damaged boat. After takeoff destroy a gunboat and bridge. Sea Landing next to US Fleet off shore.
by O-1Driver (2006-03-19 17:05:11)
Submitted by O-1Driver
You do not need the Korea expansion to fly this mission, only the HU-16 aircraft located at Netwings. You have landed on a narrow river behind North Korean lines to rescue a US Gunboat crew from their damaged boat. After takeoff destroy a gunboat and bridge. Sea Landing next to US Fleet off shore.
by O-1Driver (2006-03-19 17:05:11)
Submitted by O-1Driver