Huon Gulf Objects UT

Huon Gulf Objects UT 2024-05-13

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Huon Gulf Objects for CFS2 by UncleTgt

Updated 23-MAR-2023

This is a collection of eye candy objects I made mainly in support of my reworking of the scenery for the Huon Gulf/Markham valley/Bulolo/Wau Goldfield areas of Papua New Guinea.

They are mostly single LOD models but have damage models where appropriate.

This pack includes:

A variation on my small mission building

Golddredge1_UT & Golddredge2_UT
The mineworking in the Bulolo & Wau valleys was mainly alluvial, simply washing & crushing ore to get at gold deposits. They calculated it would be cheaper to take supplies in by air than build (& maintain) a road network, so used Lae aerodrome as their base of operations. They flew in large gold dredges, piece by piece, & reassembled them in situ.

A simple open-walled shelter, previously included as part of Capt Kurt's "87 Days" rework for the Solomons.

Photos seemed to show a largish hangar with one wall open to the elemements, so I adapted one of the sim's hangars & combined with elements from my open-sided hangar object.

Descriptions of the air freight operations describe loading of the Junkers G31 taking place with the rear wheel on a weighbridge. Photos seemed to show a concrete pan under the aircraft. This simple flat plane object is an attempt to depict this feature.

metal_bridge1_UT & metal_bridge2_UT
Some grainy B & W photos show some of the bridges in the Bulolo-Wau valey being metalwork rather than timber construction. These objects combine parts from my Bailey Bridge objects with the bridge ramps from CFS2. Bridge1 is large & complex (vaguely like Jenson's Bridge at Bulolo), Bridge2 is a smaller single span bridge.

Whilst most of the mine workings in Wau/Bulolo were alluvial, a few deep mines were operated in the surrounding hills. I adapted elements from Wolfi's Oil Barge to create a simple Mine Headframe object.

mine_tailings3_UT & mine_tailings4_UT
My earlier mine tailings objects were'nt large enough to depict the spoil that the alluvial mine washings created, so these 2 objects were made as larger collections of tailings.

plantation60x40_UT, plantation60x60_UT, plantation80x60_UT, plantation100x40_UT, plantation100x80_UT
The Wau valley was the first location in PNG used to grow coffee. Depicting the plantation required a different look from my palmtree objects, so I developed some different looking trees.

This is simply the inf_medium_building_3 with a new texture & some texture mapping changes to give the impression of a mine stamp mill.

Photos of the air transport operations in the 1930's show a variety of metal cranes being used, almost always on a concrete plinth. This is a generic impression of such a crane.

Lae_steamcrane__UT, Lae_steamcrane_B_UT, sml_flatbed_wagon_UT
Photos show a railway running from the quayside to the weighbridge at Lae aerodrome. A small steam-powered crane was used on this line. crane_A has the crane inline with the wheels, crane_B has the crane turned to one side, as though loading/unloading. The flatbed & running gear is adapted from Wolfi's rail waggons objects.

To install, unzip the download to a temporary location & move/ copy files to the matching folder names inside your chosen CFS 2 install.

Thanks to

XavierB, Maskrider & Wolfi for leading the way with their infrastructure objects
Allen for his Making Exploding Objects using FS2002 Tools & Tutorial
Aussie(Lindsay Watt) for his tips on how to create some larger & more complex scenery objects for CFS2 without killing framerates
Arno Gerretsen for ModelconverterX & FXeditor, such clever & versatile tools

This is freeware and subject to the usual conditions

MAR 2023

First release
Last update
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