I4ro37.zip (300.74 Kb) (downloaded 502 times)
IS4G IMAM Ro 37 Lince
IS4G The IMAM (Industrie Meccaniche Aeronautiche Meridionali) Ro 37 was the standard recon plane and for army cooperation duties of the Regia Aeronautica. On june, 10th, 1940, 20 squadrons were equipped with this plane, for a total of 215 planes. Being of obsolete conception they served althoug on all fronts up to the 1943 armistice.
by isoliti4gatti (2007-08-02 18:36:37)
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IS4G IMAM Ro 37 Lince
IS4G The IMAM (Industrie Meccaniche Aeronautiche Meridionali) Ro 37 was the standard recon plane and for army cooperation duties of the Regia Aeronautica. On june, 10th, 1940, 20 squadrons were equipped with this plane, for a total of 215 planes. Being of obsolete conception they served althoug on all fronts up to the 1943 armistice.
by isoliti4gatti (2007-08-02 18:36:37)
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