JAP Landing Craft2 UT

JAP Landing Craft2 UT 1

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JAP Landing Craft collection Part 2 for CFS2 by UncleTgt


A collection of ships & infrastructure ships & wrecks for use in missions. this part covers the Shohatsu & TokoDaihatsu models.

The ship models are all set up to use 19=Ship Transport/Tanker/Cargo in their DPs, although Usio's & Colin's Daihatsu models were always set up as 24=Amphibious Vehicle, as indeed are the AF Team & Stock US Landing crafts. I always found it nearly impossible to get AI to spot & attack anything with this category, the only Mission profile being Search & Destroy, & flying at <1000ft. I found this unsatisfactory for open sea missions (so called Ant Convoys), & even using this profile had unpredictable results close to shore, where there's usually a proliferation of more interesting targets that grab the AI pilot's attention! I've included alternative DPs for those players wanting to use the category=24 DPs instead. The wreck models are set up as category=24.

Models included:

Shohatsu - A small personnel craft, short ranged. Little more than a ship's boat.

JAP_Shohatsu_cargo - a mixed cargo of sacks & wooden crates
JAP_Shohatsu_empty - empty, but crewed
JAP_Shohatsu_trps - small party of troops aboard
JAP_Shohatsu_unmanned - infrastructure ship, static, no crew aboard

TokoDaihatsu - An enlarged Daihatsu, used for heavier cargo/materiel. Could carry 2 light tanks or 1 medium tank.

JAP_TokoDhtsu_cargo - a mixed cargo of sacks & wooden crates
JAP_TokoDhtsu_empty - empty, but crewed
JAP_TokoDhtsu_oil - carrying oil drum cargo
JAP_TokoDhtsu_unmanned - infrastructure ship, static, no crew aboard

There are also 3 different TokoDaihatsu & 2 different Shohatsu wreck models, as infrastructure ships.

They are all multi-LOD. All models have their own damage models. I've also supplied different textures so you can vary how the indicidual models appear. You can choose dark grey, light grey, or latewar green-grey.

To install, unzip the download to a temporary location & move/ copy files to the matching folder names inside your chosen CFS 2 install.

Thanks to

Allen for his Making Exploding Objects using FS2002 Tools & Tutorial
Stuart277 for sharing his GMax models, they made the sequences in setting up to create a ship model in GMax much easier to follow after seeing how Stuart arranges things.
Colin Glenndinning, Usio, Psullkeys & the other ship model pioneers for showing what's possible in this old Sim.
XavierB for his JAP Troop models, the source of the crew figures & troop cargo figures.
Arno Gerretsen for ModelconverterX, such a clever & versatile tool.

This is freeware and subject to the usual conditions

AUG 2024
First release
Last update
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