
Jumo109-004B_sound.zip 2024-06-25

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This is a CFS3 mod package that was originally posted on the Netwings site. They were intended for stock CFS3 and/or CFS3 with Firepower ONLY. Nothing has been modified in any way and it is still in it's original *.zip file. Here is the README for full acknowledgement:

(Updated after Sim-Outhouse Upload) Ok Guys....I wasn't going to up-load these sounds until I had my Me262a1 completed for AvHistory's evaluation. But I figured what the @%#*. CFS3 recorded a actual Me262 when they made the game. The sounds were good, but not very realistic due to Microshaft recorded a "Up to Date" re-manufactured engines. So I have re-done the Me 262 Jumo109-004B sound for CFS3 Using the actual sounds from a Existing, Still Flying Me262! The Owners stated that due to the engines being quite unpredictable the engines had to be overhauled every 10-15 hrs of flying time. Normally the Luftwaffe changed them around 30hrs. So are you ready to take a ride?
I made the sounds so it will work decently with a stock sound card. Just unzip the Jumo109-004B_sound and place the sound file into your Combat Flight Simulator 3 /Aircraft Me262a1, or any other Me 262. Or you can wait for my Me262a1 due out this winter. Just make sure to remove the original sound folders or zip the original sounds in case you don't think my sounds have improved your aircraft.
LuftwaffeOberst JG2 aka Jasta11 Lothar
Any questions or Positive comments Email me at LuftwaffeOberst@msn.com
My sounds will remain freeware. If you wish to alter or use my sounds for CFS3 or any other game I ask that you please E-mail me with your request.

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