Jupiter2 for FSX

Jupiter2 for FSX 2024-05-28

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This package is a re-work of the Pendercraft LostInSpace Jupiter2.

Which was created for FS2004, and now made compatible with FSX.

Besides compatibility, I added new features:

- A new flight model, based on my "space gauges" addon package.
- A fully functional Navigator, that gives all needed flight info and the ability to navigate to LIS sceneries.
- Some extra gadgets, like a fully automated landing.

Resulting in a "flying saucer", that is capable of:

- Flight speeds anywhere between 0 and 2665 (the max. speed in FSX) knots. By using Simulation Rate up to 8*, even at 21000 Knots.

- Fly at altitudes up to 10.000.000 feet.

- Take off / landing vertically on any scenery spot with a "hardened" surface on earth ordeep in space; even on AI objects, like moving aircraft carriers in the ocean and other spawned "spacecraft" (or in Multi Player mode) high up in space.

Fully documented; see the README for installation, operation, credits, background, etc ...

For FSX-Acceleration (-Gold) and FSX-SteamEdition ONLY !!

Designed to be used with FSX scenery packages (created by Carl Reddin):
- rcbgso10.zip: Deep space LIS sceneries.
- rcbalf10.zip: A Jupiter2 launchpad, in Florida.

Rob Barendregt
First release
Last update
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