Lockheed YC-121 / L-1249A Turboprop P3D v4.5/5.1_with_update

Lockheed YC-121 / L-1249A Turboprop P3D v4.5/5.1_with_update 2020-12-01

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This package has been modified by the SOH librarian on 30 November, 2020 to include the following update: Corrects wrong rudder movement

Originally FS9/FSX Modified to P3D v4.5/5.1 by R. Berger.

Read the Readme REALLY.

All credits go to the original developers which gave permission for the P3D conversion

This is just an update not the full aircraft

Lockheed YC-121 / L-1249A Turboprop

Originally FS9/FSX Modified to P3D v4.5/5.1 by R. Berger.

Read the Readme REALLY

All credits go to the original developers which gave permission for the P3D conversion

The L-1249A was the turboprop version of the Lockheed Super Constellation and 4 were built for the USAF (YC-121F) and USN (R7V-2), which had considerably higher performance than the piston-engined versions. Full visual model with VC, new flight dynamics. For FS9, works also in FSX. By Volker Bohme, Luis Pallas, Bill Tyne and Stefan Werner. Original model by Manfred Jahn.

The What - IF Varig paint, as L-1249A is civilian registration is courtesy by Tim Scharnhop.

First release
Last update
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