
Loire_130_v2.zip 2024-05-02

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oire 130

French seaplane akin to the Supermarine Walrus carried on French cruisers and battleships - this one is from the Dunkerque.

This is my second attempt at aircraft building. There are no moving surfaces other than the propeller as I haven't got the hang of them yet.

I must give credit here to Mike Stone for the use of his Walrus files without which I couldn't have made this aircraft. Also to Buddha13 of the SOH for trying to help me understand contactpoints -still not too clear.

The panel is a an adaptation of the one I did for Mike Stone's Walrus - I haven't been unable to find any info on the Loire's cockpit so I made one up.The panel.cfg contains the data needed by GreenGhost's ( Ken Lee )DAP-CFS2v1 and _FSUIPC gauges which enable catapault and waterspray effects - the gauges themselves are available at SOH.

Anyone who downloads this aircraft is welcome to repaint or alter it anyway they can but only on the understanding that it is FREEWARE and no money is to be made from it -although I do encourage people to make donations to DONATIONWARE at SimOuthouse.

On repaints ; I've only two black and white pics of this a/c showing different colour schemes - Vichy French and Luftwaffe but what the colours are I've no idea.

Anyway enough flannel - happy flying/floating

baldy ( Mike Feilden )

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