Malta Spitfire campaign - Part

Malta Spitfire campaign - Part 2024-05-03

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* This package was updated on 25 October, 2015 to correct empty ship folders that prevent them from working properly, and again on March 28th, 2016 to include updated ships and aircraft.

Welcome to the Malta Spitfire campaign package! This is a fifteen-mission campaign which centers around the experiences of a Spitfire pilot from 249 squadron, based at Ta'Qali during the Spring and Summer of 1942. All of the missions are historically plausible, and are based on events that happened during that time period.

This campaign is a complete overhaul of a much older Groundcrew version, originally created by Cliff Burgess. The scenery has been thoroughly modified & updated to utilize the fantastic Malta scenery by Brunosk, as well as new airfields by Achim27619 in Sicily and Italy, together with a GSL harbor created by me at Licata, Sicily.

All the aircraft included in this package are the most modernized available. Additionally, some of the missions are now very dynamic, and all of the missions feature improved triggers and events, resulting in a much more enjoyable experience. Some missions during this campaign correspond generally with the Operation Pedestal convoy, which passed through the Western Mediterranean from August 11th through August 15th, 1942.

In this first package, you will find all of the aircraft, gauges, sounds, weapons, voice packs, and nationality screens required for this campaign. All of the required aircraft have been included, as well as any historical repaints that would have been used during or near the time that Operation Pedestal worked its way through the Western Mediterranean. Those whose work has been included in this first package include the Alphasim freeware team, Graham, (VB planes) Oldwheat, the Groundcrew team, Bismarck13, Brunosk, Paul Rebuffat, Captain Kurt, Morton, the Donationware team, Lawdog2360, Ajax, Serge Tremblay, Buddha13, RobH, Pierino Primavesi, Aeroplane Heaven, the Sky Unlimited team, Obio, Krystof Malinowski, Kelticheart, Blackbird686, Franz von Baron, Peperez, Mission, and Wolfi.

All of the aircraft in this package have been modified, when necessary, to include the appropriate repaints, when possible, for the aircraft. I've also included modified .dp files for each aircraft which correct information in the [MISC.DATA] section that I found to be in error. To lessen issues with frame rates with many waves of aircraft in the sky, all exhaust effects have been removed, if they were included in the original models.

Additionally, all weapons required for the aircraft have been included.

Happy flying!



Submitted by Rami
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Last update
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