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    Library How to
MAW_Fezzan Campaigns

MAW_Fezzan Campaigns 2024-06-21

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This serie of 4 missions have been build with the few historical informations I've collected about these two campaigns in the Fezzan.

Aircraft flown: Lysander, Cr42, Ca311

After the fall of Koufra in march 1941, Free French troops leaded by General Leclerc started operations in the Fezzan against Italian troops and espacially the well trained and experienced Sahariana di Cufra company (february-march 1942). This campaign was a success as Italian troops suffered significant losses.
In january 1943, a second operation was launched by General Leclerc but this time, it was a real offensive and the goal was to capture the Fezzan and continue into Lybia to join the 8th Army. This second campaign was also a complete success for the Free French troops that cleared the Fezzann from Axis forces and joined the 8th army at Tripoli on january 26th 1943.

Here below is a link to a video with some images taken during the second campaign. This video and comments was made during WWII:

Note: the Fezzan is not on CFS3 map, it's located south of Lybia.

Informations about the 2 first recon missions: they have been build with random spawns, the objective to find is outside the tactical display and not always at the same location... it can take some time to find it!! Well, these are real recon missions, it's not only 'take off - press x - drop bombs and come back home'

by Led Zeppelin


Submitted by Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin
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