This aircraft modification as with the other "ScorchMod" airtanker conversions comes from a long line of development from the original aircraft.
This modification is based around the freeware released SGA DC-9. Although not an MD-87, the models differ only slightly and I felt it was a great platform to do this modification to. The original was made FSX Native by Eagle Rotorcraft. The tank fairing was designed and attached in our group at Simulated Air Tanker Operations. The pack also includes sounds I've modified from Benoit Plamondon's original freeware JT8D soundset for the DC-9/MD-87 to mesh better with FSX and P3D. I have also updated external lighting on the model to reflect the MD-87s better. Model is still FSX native, but was constructed and tested in P3Dv4.5. This likely means it is also compatible in V5 of P3D as well. FSX users will have custom thumbnails. I have also included weight references for use in FireFigherX. This jet can be a challenge to fly fully loaded out of airfields with runways shorter than 5200 feet without the weight and payloads properly configured.
This package includes all 7 of Erickson Aero's aircraft. FSX Native conversion by Eagle Rotorcraft.
Internal VC model (DC10) by Thomas Ruth.
External tank fairing designed by Jeremy Ulloa."tankerguy72."
Airtanker modification by Nicholas Mitchell "Scorch00."