Messerschmitt Bf109G-8

Messerschmitt Bf109G-8 2024-05-01

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Messerschmitt Bf109G-8 by Design Team Daedalus

Unit: Bf109G-8 NAG5 Winter, Russia 1944
Pilot: unknown

The Bf 109G-8 was a dedicated reconnaissance version based on the fighter version of the Bf 109 G-6. Production of the Bf 109 G-8 tactical reconnaissance aircraft began in August 1943 and continued to February, 1945 with a total production of 906 aircraft built. The G-8 could be equipped with standard G-6 armament. But it is doubtful if any flew with the Motorkanone engine cannon - removed to save weight and increase speed - and only had the cowling machine guns installed. It was equipped with a total of three cameras. If we count the bulkheads of the fuselage from its front, two Rb 12.5/7x9 or Rb 32/7x9 cameras were installed between bulkheads 5 and 6 (Use the Tail Hook Command to open the camera doors.). The third camera was the Robot 11 type which was installed in place of the gun camera.

There was no “standard” G-8. Three separate companies and multiple sub-assembly production facilities were involved and the production was interspersed with the G-6 fighters being constructed. All of which inevitably produced minor variations, such as canopies, pilot head armor type, etc. So, each model we have created has its own unique features to portray the specific aircraft as accurately as possible.

This aircraft had an Erla Haub canopy with Galland type pilot head armor.

Pstrany developed the models using Paul Rebuffat's Messerschmitt model - with permission - as a starting framework and updated the shape, and added a plethora of details, new parts, and ideas. Pstrany also developed the models for the drop tanks, weapons and racks.

Captain Kurt created paints for each, the 2D instrument panel, the individual .dp files, the air files and the aircraft.cfg files.

Mav SCASM edited each model so that they have animated wing slats, drop tanks, and other features, as well as optimizing models for the best possible frame rates. Mav also developed the idea for the 2d panel to be offset for the Revi gun sight to match the CFS2 reticle.

We have all benefited from the assistance and guidance of others in the community, Special thanks to Wolfi and Huub Vink for their kind assistance and to all who have contributed their knowledge directly and indirectly.
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