More accurate textures for captured P-47D

More accurate textures for captured P-47D 2024-07-12

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This amended repaint is for the payware A2A WOP III P-47D. As per usual, I was not satisfied with the original paint. Numerous refinements were made to match the profiles I found. The prop was painted RLM70 black-green and new propwash textures worked up. The pilot's jacket and leather helmet were made a dark gray. I removed the USAAF Squadron patch also. As with the last set sent up, there are two sets of textures in the package, one set that features a Swastika on the vertical tail and one that does not for those people that live in countries where the symbol is forbidden or for those that wish not to have it. Many thanks to Martin Catney for the fantastic repaint kit for A2A Simulations likewise excellent WoP III P-47 D. Caz Dalton

by Cazzie (2009-04-01 19:39:03)

More accurate textures for captured P-47D.jpg

Submitted by Cazzie
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