Sitz MS406c1 Vichy Syria (289) CFS3 Repaint Aircraft (stand alone) (Other) (2.06 Meg) (downloaded 340 times)
MS-406C.1 No.762 L-791, Capt Escudier, GCI/7, Aleppo-Nerab, Syria, July 1941 This aircraft served in Syria against British and Free French forces in 1941. When Vichy forces pulled out, it was abandoned and taken over by the Free French FAFL. Note the theatre-specific yellow tail; the cowling was also supposed to be yellow, and the presence of red bands on the tailplanes is non-regulation. These colourful markings were worn in order to aid recognition, as RAF markings are basically similar. The tailfin carries the insignia of both Escadrilles in the Groupe, which indicates that it is the Groupe Commander's aircraft.
by ndicki (2006-03-03 00:37:01) (2.06 Meg) (downloaded 340 times)
MS-406C.1 No.762 L-791, Capt Escudier, GCI/7, Aleppo-Nerab, Syria, July 1941 This aircraft served in Syria against British and Free French forces in 1941. When Vichy forces pulled out, it was abandoned and taken over by the Free French FAFL. Note the theatre-specific yellow tail; the cowling was also supposed to be yellow, and the presence of red bands on the tailplanes is non-regulation. These colourful markings were worn in order to aid recognition, as RAF markings are basically similar. The tailfin carries the insignia of both Escadrilles in the Groupe, which indicates that it is the Groupe Commander's aircraft.
by ndicki (2006-03-03 00:37:01)