Blurred propeller textures & GG-style gauge-controlled exhaust effects for ItalianWings' & Manuele Villa's FS9 Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 and 79 Bis "Sparviero", converted for CFS2 by SOH's member Fani, available at Final development of my previously released generic blurred propeller replacement textures. Both full disc and single blade textures to choose from. Enclosed modified and combined Alphasim's and IS4G Group/Corrado La Posta's SM.79 airfiles and dp files, reflecting both the different SM.79 and SM.79 Bis flight models. Historically correct payloads, created by combining Ground Crew's and Dbolt's Luftwaffe weapon packs. Enjoy!
Submitted by Kelticheart
Submitted by Kelticheart