New texture for Stuart277 French cruisers La Galissoniere 1939

New texture for Stuart277 French cruisers La Galissoniere 1939 2024-05-23

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3éme division de croiseur
Texture 1939 is the cruiser La Galissoniere in 1940 light grey and 3 yellow bandes on the fore funnel
Texture 1941 is the cruiser Marseillaise in 1941 Toulon force de haute mer light grey marques de neutralité on the turettes II and III 1 yellow bande on for funnel
Texture 1942 is the cruiser Jean de Vienne Toulon 1942 force de haute mer identical peint 2 yellow bandes on fore funnel

New dp and ship.cfg.

FNS_Georges Leygues 1939
4éme division de croiseurs.
Texture 1939 is the Montcalm in 1940 light grey 2 greeen bandes on the fore funnel.
Texture 1940 is the Georges Leygues Force de raid Atlantique 1940 medium grey 1 green bande on the fore funnel.
Texture 1942 is the Gloire in 1941 light grey marqhes de neutralité and 3 green bandes on fore funnel.
Georges Leygues and Montcalm were at Dakar 24 and 25 09 1940.

New dp and ship.cfg

FNS_Montcalm 1940
camouflage type Royal Navy light grey and medium grey for Norvege operation 25 04 1940 and 2 green bandes on fore funnel.

New dp and ship.cfg.

Submitted by Dombral

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