BB59 Massachusetts ms12 mod 1942 before Torch landings navy blue ocean grey and haze grey.
Ms 22 navy blue and haze grey 1942 11 08 Casablanca landings.
Ms 21 navy blue overall.
The measures 21 and 22 are viable for all the South Dakota class in 1943-1945.
The ship.cfg and the .dp is for catapult use.
Merci Stuart277
Submitted by Dombral
Ms 22 navy blue and haze grey 1942 11 08 Casablanca landings.
Ms 21 navy blue overall.
The measures 21 and 22 are viable for all the South Dakota class in 1943-1945.
The ship.cfg and the .dp is for catapult use.
Merci Stuart277
Submitted by Dombral