NJtraining.zip (1.15 Meg) (downloaded 507 times)
These area series of training missions to learn how to approach and shoot down Bomber Command 4-engined aircraft. The tactics used were quite different from the daytime encounters with the 8th Air force and B17s. The Night Fighters planes were in fact not so suitable to go against daytime bombers, which were more heavily armed and, in the latter part of the war, had fighter escorts. The Nachtjagd?s Bf 110s and Ju 88s were also relatively slow and certainly no match for escorting fighters. The Nachtjagd suffered unnecessary losses by being asked to do daytime missions. You will be training in the 'under and behind' methosd and the directly underneath approach with Schrage Musik. Read the Readmes and the Word doc!
by mongoose (2005-08-13 18:15:28)
Submitted by mongoose
These area series of training missions to learn how to approach and shoot down Bomber Command 4-engined aircraft. The tactics used were quite different from the daytime encounters with the 8th Air force and B17s. The Night Fighters planes were in fact not so suitable to go against daytime bombers, which were more heavily armed and, in the latter part of the war, had fighter escorts. The Nachtjagd?s Bf 110s and Ju 88s were also relatively slow and certainly no match for escorting fighters. The Nachtjagd suffered unnecessary losses by being asked to do daytime missions. You will be training in the 'under and behind' methosd and the directly underneath approach with Schrage Musik. Read the Readmes and the Word doc!
by mongoose (2005-08-13 18:15:28)
Submitted by mongoose