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NL Bombs for CFS2 by UncleTgt

This is a collection of NL bomb models, compiled as weapon bgls, so they can be added via the aircraft dp. They are based largely on photos, with overall dimensions extrapolated from other nation's weapons such as Poland, which also developed bombs from the German PuW type.

They are multiLOD, & each model centre is the pylon hang point, same as Allens & DBolts weapons. This should allow for some consolidation of aircraft mounts, helping with CFS 2's 24 Hardpoint limit.

WEP_NL_50kgVMNo2_UT 50kg MLD bomb, I guess used as a dual purpose Anti-Submarine / GP weapon.

WEP_NL_100kgVMNo2_UT 100kg MLD bomb, basically a scaled-up 50kg weapon.

WEP_NL_200kgVMNo2_UT 200kg MLD bomb. No photo evidence for this weapon, but it is listed on the Do24K loading table. Again, I just scaled up the 50kg weapon some more.

WEP_NL_300kg_UT Mentioned as being used by USAAF B-17s during the struggle for Java. Thanks to some Photo evidence via SOH member Huub Vink I was able to extrapolate how this PuW influenced design would look like in the sim.

To install, unzip the download to a temporary location & move/ copy files to the matching folder names inside your chosen CFS 2 install.

Thanks to: Huub Vink for searching & finding a photo of the elusive Dutch 300kg bomb.

Shessi for helping find some photo evidence of the MLDs VMNo2 series of bombs.

Allen for his Making Exploding Objects using FS2002 Tools & Tutorial.

Arno Gerretsen for ModelconverterX & FXeditor, such clever & versatile tools.

This is freeware and subject to the usual conditions


OCT 2021

First release
Last update
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