Operation Barbarossa.zip

Operation Barbarossa.zip 2024-05-02

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This readme is for the Operation Barbarossa, a converted CFS1 campaign originally created by Richard Steele. It chronicles the invasion of Russia in 1941 and covers the time frame from June 22nd to December 5th, 1941. It is flown from the perspective of the Soviets. The missions that cover the Odessa – Sevastopol portion of the campaign were able to be transferred directly from CFS1 with minimal changes. The missions surrounding the defense of Moscow had to be “interpreted” from CFS1. I had to fly them in CFS1 repeatedly and use the mission editor to write down waypoints, aircraft types, and other bits of information. For this reason, I can’t guarantee that they are the same as they are in CFS1. The frontlines are as historically accurate as I could make them, but some changes had to be made and fudged a bit in order to facilitate the campaign.

You begin by flying Polikarpov I-16s in defense of Odessa, then switch to MiG-1s flying in defense of Sevastopol. After a short rest, you will fly in defense of Moscow, first continuing in the MiG-1, then in the LaGG-3. The campaign is designed to be extremely difficult, the Russians were using inferior equipment with poorly-trained pilots against seasoned and well-equipped German pilots.



Submitted by Rami
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