Upgrade of the stock P-47D.
Credits: Model by Microsoft, updated by Luca Festari and Rene Leppä.
Flight Model by gregoryp of AvHistory (P47M) modified to reflect the P-47D/M series by Rene Leppä.
Skins by Rene Leppä, guidance and several borrowed parts by Nigel Dickinson.
Pylons by Rene Leppä.
Engine sounds by Lawdog2360.
Rene Leppä, March 2022.
Credits: Model by Microsoft, updated by Luca Festari and Rene Leppä.
Flight Model by gregoryp of AvHistory (P47M) modified to reflect the P-47D/M series by Rene Leppä.
Skins by Rene Leppä, guidance and several borrowed parts by Nigel Dickinson.
Pylons by Rene Leppä.
Engine sounds by Lawdog2360.
Rene Leppä, March 2022.