P-51D "Frances Dell" (N51ZW)

P-51D "Frances Dell" (N51ZW) 2024-06-01

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This is a repaint for the Warbirdsim P-51D "Mustang Tales" and "Restored Part 2" payware addons. This repaint depicts the restored P-51D-30-NA 44-74453, registered as N51ZW, owned by Carl Patrick of Broomfield, CO. Built too late to see action in WWII, the aircraft served in Canada as RCAF 9597 in the 1950's. Sold surplus in 1959, the aircraft was wrecked in 1963 and eventually started to be rebuilt in 1981. Restoration was completed around 1988, then owned by Jim Priebe, and painted in fictitious markings as "Glamorous Jen". Later renamed "Glamorous Gal" and acquired by Howard Ross in 1993, and then later by Bob Baranaskas in 2002, the aircraft became a very familiar and beloved sight at airshows in the northeast and along the east coast of the US. The aircraft was damaged in 2011 from a partial gear collapse on landing, resulting in the aircraft being sold to Carl Patrick in 2012. The aircraft was sent to Midwest Aero Restorations for partial restoration/repairs, with the aircraft completed and flying again in 2014. The aircraft is now finished in the authentic markings of Lt. Clark Clemmons' P-51D "Frances Dell", assigned to the 84th FS, 78th FG, 8th AF. This aircraft won the "Best P-51" award at Oshkosh 2019.

This is part 7 of an 8 part series of Midwest Aero Mustangs.
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