P-51D Mustang "Tall-in-the-Saddle"

P-51D Mustang "Tall-in-the-Saddle" 2024-06-07

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This is a repaint pack for both the payware Warbirdsim P-51D "Restored Part 2" and "Mustang Tales" products. This repaint depicts the restored P-51D-20-NA 44-72035, owned/operated by Peter Teichman as part of the Hangar 11 Collection based at North Weald, UK. Through documentation and evidence presented on the aircraft, it is known to have been sent to the Mediterranean Theatre in early 1945 and assigned to the 15th Air Force, 332nd Fighter Group (better known as the Tuskegee Airmen). After the war, the aircraft was sent back to the US and was active with USAF and ANG units from 1947 until 1953. Sold surplus in 1957, the aircraft passed through a number of civilian owners, eventually restored after 1988 and becoming known as "Jumpin' Jacques". Peter Teichman acquired the aircraft in 2002. Although little of anything is known of the aircraft's actual wartime history, Peter Teichman set about researching a potential 332nd FG paint scheme to apply to the aircraft, and in the spring of 2016 had the aircraft repainted into the authentic markings of "Tall-in-the Saddle", a Mustang that was assigned to the 99th Fighter Squadron and piloted by Lt. George Hardy. Alive and well, living in Florida, and having been a source for information and photos to accurately recreate the paint scheme, George Hardy was invited over and traveled to England in September where he was a guest of honor, reunited with "his" airplane again. (Included with this repaint pack is an updated version of this aircraft's previous paint scheme, "Jumpin' Jacques", for both products).
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