
P39_exhausts_UT.zip 2024-05-05

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P39 Exhaust stacks for CFS2 by UncleTgt

The stock/overhauled Airacobra does not have any exhaust stacks modelled. The rear canopy has no decking, & if you open the cockpit door you see the pilot's lower half is missing, & he doesn't have anything to sit on. Allen's P39D1 & P39Q, being based on the stocker, also have some of these same limitations.

By using alpha channels you can make the stock pilot disappear, & replace him with Wolfi's US Pilot, added through the DP. That got me thinking...

So I created a collection of objects, compiled as weapon bgls, so these other elements can also be added via the aircraft dp.

P39D_exhaust_UT - 6 stack exhausts, a pilot seat, rollbar & rear cockpit deck in a single object (for the stock/OH P39D)

P39D1_exhaust_UT - 6 stack exhausts, a pilot seat & rollbar in a single object (for Allen's P39D1 & P39Q)

P39F_exhaust_UT - 12 stack exhausts, a pilot seat, rollbar & rear cockpit deck in a single object (turns the stock/OH P39D into a P39F)

P400_exhaust_UT - 12 stack exhausts, a pilot seat & rollbar in a single object (turns Allen's P39D1 into a P400)

P39_fishtail_exh_UT - 6 stack, fishtail exhaust stacks, a pilot seat & rollbar in a single object (turns Allen's P39D1 into an Airacobra Mk1)

To install, unzip the download to a temporary location & move/ copy files to the matching folder names inside your chosen CFS 2 install.

Thanks to: Allen for his Making Exploding Objects using FS2002 Tools & Tutorial.

Arno Gerretsen for ModelconverterX & FXeditor, such clever & versatile tools.

This is freeware and subject to the usual conditions.


OCT 2022

First release
Last update
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