P3Dv4+ S-64/CH-54 Skycrane Firefighting Pack V2.0

P3Dv4+ S-64/CH-54 Skycrane Firefighting Pack V2.0 2022-10-07

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This expansion pack for the MilViz/Nemeth S-64/CH-54 Skycrane expands the version 1.0 release of mine some time ago with external tank model replacements for the v1.0 package as well as additional repaints, and several model configurations.

The v1.0 package is required as well as the MilViz/Nemeth base product in order to get the full benefit of this package. The package could not have been possible without the original permissions I obtained from MilViz to modify their product, but as well as several members of the community that also assisted in the v1.0 as well as this v2.0 package. This pack as mentioned includes model overhauls of the external tank models, pond snorkels, several new model variations, new main rotor textures, rotor flex animations, and new repaints. New repaints have been included for Evergreen International, Heavy Lift Helicopters, HTS/Simplex, Canadian Air-Crane, Korea Forest Service, Vigili del Fuoco, and several repaint overhauls to Helicopter Transport Services and Siller Bros Fleet textures, and model tweaks from V1.0. Version 1.0 is not necessarily required, but certain repaints will not appear at all or properly, and the customs sounds/overhaul will also be missing without installation of v1.0. There are detailed readme files and tank configuration information for use in Lorby's FireFighterX Application.

Addon is only compatible with P3Dv4+.

The file size is considerable due to the amount of models, overhauls, and additional textures. Modifications and repaints for this pack done by Nicholas Mitchell "Scorch00" and SATO community member, "Delta."
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