This is the very well done Veneaviones Rockwell AC690B Turbo Commander. Originally released for FS2004. This aircraft was updated by George Arana of Eagle Rotorcraft and myself to update the functionality of this great aircraft for P3Dv4+. The aircraft has updated VC and exterior model with the addition of PBR, and 15 4k textures included. Including a blank white version for repainters. The pack houses only a few stock repaints, the rest are primarily those used in aerial coordination and observation for firefighting roles across the USA, Canada, and Australia. The aircraft themselves for these roles were not modified in any way, except for the addition of a smoke generator. Those wishing to use these as GA aircraft will be pleased to know they are stock aside from that. This pack includes both the straight wing and winglet version of the 690B. I have also included 2 additional models, largely for repainters to have a belly mapped version to allow for repainters to easily add repaints with text on the belly of the 690 if they wish. Being as the aircraft largely remains unchanged minus the cosmetic updates. All of the original FS9/FSX paints can be moved to this aircraft without issue. P3Dv4+ conversion by George Arana "Eurostar350," further model updates and repaints by Nicholas Mitchell "Scorch00."