Papua New Guinea campaign - Part

Papua New Guinea campaign - Part 2024-05-03

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* This package was updated on April 24th, 2016 to include missing gauges for several aircraft.

Welcome to the Papua New Guinea campaign package! This campaign is almost an American Army Air Corps extension of “Defense of Australia,” in that it picks up just before the departure of the RAAF. In this campaign you will be continuing to defend Port Moresby, but you will also be going on the offensive, attacking bridges, landing forces, convoys, as well as escorting bombers and transports. You will also get to fly from Milne Bay during the period of the Japanese invasion there. However, you might very well be sick of the P-39 by the time you’re done with the campaign!

This is Part I of the Papua New Guinea campaign package. The contents of this package are in two parts, and contain therein nearly all of the aircraft, ships, objects, scenery, sounds, and other items required to fly these campaigns. In the first package, you will find nearly all the aircraft, sounds, and repaints required for this campaign. Please note that I also use a lot of these files in the two other 1941-1942-era Pacific campaigns I have released. The aircraft included in this package include the aircraft and repaints of the Donationware team, Bismarck13, Peperez, Stuart Green, David Copley, The FDGv2 freeware team, Thicko, Krystof Malinowski, Morton, Kelticheart, Dombral, Wolfi, Bruno Duffort, Akemi, Talon, and the Virtual Wings team. Engine sounds by Lawdog2360, Blood_Hawk23, the Virtual Wings team, and Blondi have also been included.



Submitted by Rami
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