Priority Target Objects UT

Priority Target Objects UT 2024-05-13

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Priority Target Objects for CFS2

These are a set of invisible target objects that make use of the Target Priority & Hardness ratings discovered some time ago by the AF Team.

Whilst gsl objects have many advantages, it's often noticeable that gsl objects don't display the same intensity of damage effects when they are hit or destroyed, when compared to the same object being placed as an object separately in the mission.

These transparent objects can give you some of those missing damage effects back, without having to repopulate your target area with mission layout copies of all the gsl objects.

Simply place these "priority" targets in the immediate attack area, & when damaged & destroyed they should yield pleasing visual results (as they are mission placeable objects, not gsl objects).


Another duplicate set of invisible objects are set in their DP as "non-target" objects. This means you or the AI can't target them, but they can still be damaged/destroyed. So these items can be used as hidden "FX generators" when you're creating a mission where you are attacking a gsl target, & find the resulting damage FX "disappointing".


Another troublesome issue can be torpedo attacks in harbours or close inshore. Now these are intrinscically difficult strikes to carry out (due to terrain features in the area), but the CFS 2 AI attack profile can make these just about impossible. The AI likes to approach the target from an angle off the bow or stern, & never really performs a true beam-on torpedo strike. I'm guessing the strike profile the sim uses assumes the target will always be a ship manoeuvring in open waters.

IIRC The Virtual Navy & Talon devised an invisible MTB they used as a target unit for Pearl Harbour missions to "fake" the AI into carrying out beam-on torpedo attacks on static ships. But the "VN_Dummy" uses one of those precious Ship Model slots, so I tried to create some invisible Infrastructure Ships to use as the same Torpedo Attack targets. As they are infrastructure ships, they won't show up on the radar plot as Ships, but because I gave them suitably high Priority numbers, they should still get the attention of your AI flights.

Using these "invisible" infrastructure ships, we can give the AI a higher priority target, on a heading it wants, in order to perform a successful harbour torpedo strike. Simply place one over the target vessel & adjust the heading until to get the desired AI attack profile you want.

Note: As these are infrastructure ship objects, they will only work if the target vessel is static as well. If the target is already underway, the effect is lost.


To install, unzip the download to a temporary location & move/ copy files to the matching folder names inside your chosen CFS 2 install.


SEP 2022

First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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