RealAir Spitfire IX TA805 Spirit of Kent for FSX

RealAir Spitfire IX TA805 Spirit of Kent for FSX 2024-07-14

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This is a repaint for the RealAir Spitfire for FSX. Spitfire Mk. IX TA805 was built in 1944 at Castle Bromwich and started its career with the RAF at 29 MU in December 1944. It joined 183 Sqn. at Chilbolton in June 0f 1945. A short time later it was transferred to 234 Sqn. where it may have taken part in the 1945 Battle of Britain Commemoration Flight. It was struck of charge and shipped to the South African Air Force in early 1949 where it was scrapped in 1954. It was eventually returned to the UK where it was rebuilt and upon completion took to the sky again in December 2005. In 2006 it was purchased by Peter Monk and Mike Simpson and moved to Biggin Hill where it is currently based. It is flying in memory of 131 County of Kent Sqn., a squadron that was purchased by donations given by the people of Kent in 1941. Their CO's aircraft was marked with the caption "Spirit of Kent", the same as the present aircraft. Today the aircraft can be seen flying all over Kent at various functions and shows. Repaint by Barry Vandenakker based on the great paint kit and textures by RealAir/Sean Moloney.

by Barvan40 (2008-05-04 19:53:18)
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