RealAir_2008 Spitfire FR MKIX MK716

RealAir_2008 Spitfire FR MKIX MK716 2024-07-14

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Textures (32-bit) for the RealAir Spitfire 2008 Mark IX. During Operation Market Garden in autumn 1944 several 16 Sqn FR Mk IXs were painted camotint pink for low-level oblique photography over the Arnhem area, a livery which provided excellent camouflage near sunset or sunrise on cloudy days. FR IXs were standard, armed Mk IXs modified with a single, port-facing oblique camera. They also dropped pictures or messages placed in old 44 gallon-size drop tanks released near ground level and were used for low altitude "Dicing" missions in tactical support of army operations. Textures by Grant MacLean/Sean Moloney/RealAir.

by graaant (2008-05-17 15:08:10)