The L class of British destroyers were divided into two according to the armament.
Four destroyers carried 4 double 4 inch mounts:
the Lance G87
the Gurkha G63 (ex Larne)
the Legion G74
the Lively G40
They wore a two-tone camouflage very dark gray hull and light gray superstructures except the Legion which in 1940 wore a geometric camouflage of dark gray white and black.
All made their career in the Mediterranean (force K in particular in Gibraltar and Malta).
They were destroyed by bombing except for the Gurkha.
the Lance on 22 10 1942 in Malta;
the Legion on 23 03 1942 in Malta;
the Lively on 11 05 1941 in Sollum;
the Gurkha on 17 01 1942 torpedoed by a German submarine.
new dp file
merci Stuart277
Four destroyers carried 4 double 4 inch mounts:
the Lance G87
the Gurkha G63 (ex Larne)
the Legion G74
the Lively G40
They wore a two-tone camouflage very dark gray hull and light gray superstructures except the Legion which in 1940 wore a geometric camouflage of dark gray white and black.
All made their career in the Mediterranean (force K in particular in Gibraltar and Malta).
They were destroyed by bombing except for the Gurkha.
the Lance on 22 10 1942 in Malta;
the Legion on 23 03 1942 in Malta;
the Lively on 11 05 1941 in Sollum;
the Gurkha on 17 01 1942 torpedoed by a German submarine.
new dp file
merci Stuart277