RH_VS Dauntless_Scouting Five_Yorktown

RH_VS Dauntless_Scouting Five_Yorktown 2024-07-11

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This is a repaint (textures only) for the Vertigo Studios SBD Dauntless.

You can get it here: http://www.vertigostudios.co.uk/ This repaint was made with the included paint kit by Vertigo Studios. Thank you Vertigo Studios for this incredible plane!

This texture represents Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless, BuNo 4690 Black S-10 of Scouting Five, flown by Lt(jg) Stanley W Vejtasa and Radioman 3rd Class Frank B Wood, USS Yorktown (CV-5), 8 May 1942. Following the US task force's strike against Shokaku and Zuikaku on 8 May, Lexington and Yorktown were attacked by Squadrons from both Japanese carriers. Among eight VS-5 crews assigned to a low-level anti-torpedo aircraft patrol was Lt(jg) 'Swede' Vejtasa and his gunner, Radioman Frank Wood. In the ensuing wavetop melee, A6M2 Zeros shot down four scouts with all crews lost. Vejtasa flew his SBD aggressively, offering only deflection shots to the fighters, and was credited with three destroyed-only one A6M actually ditched with battle damage. Vejtasa was awarded the Navy Cross and soon joined VF-10, where he won a second award for his interception of Japanese torpedo bombers at Santa Cruz in October 1942
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