Rhumbas CFS2 Tropical FSX texture set UT

Rhumbas CFS2 Tropical FSX texture set UT 2024-05-07

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FSX style Texture Set for Rhumbas CFS 2 Tropical Landclass by Uncle Tgt

Once I had loaded Aime Leclerc's FSX textures converted for use in CFS 2 & saw how much of a transformation they made to the pacific area I knew the rest of the CBI/ SE Asia would need a similar look. I already had Rhumbas CFS 2 Tropical landclass installed as my guide, so with a little bit of detective work, I was able to create a texture set that works for those areas that call up "...b...bmp" texture files instead of "...h...bmp" texture files.

I use rhumbas new mesh so the whole thing is offset a little in it's landclass calls as the new mesh positioning is more accurate than the source he used when he created this landclass.

Significant changes: One thing I noticed was he had used a barren desert landlclass for any coastal / seashore areas. This is very much more obvious when using the new mesh. This landclass uses the 003b bmps, these needed reworking to give a greener grassland look to match the rest of the texture set.

I played around with the town bmps & decided I didn't like how they blended with the surrounding vegeatation, so I created a "jungle clearing" look as the best blended feel for those smaller village areas. (047b2su1 to 047b2su7.bmp)

Most of the others are me renumbering dvslat's FSX textures from ...h... to ...b...

Installation: If you already have Rhumbas CFS2 Tropical Landclass installed, just place these into your CFS2 TROPICAL texture folder to overwrite what was already there.

If you haven't got Rhumbas CFS2 Tropical Landclass mod, there are 2 possible routes:

a) Install these textures in the main CFS2/ TEXTURE folder & CFS2/SCENEDB/WORLD/TEXTURE folder

WARNING: This way the whole world gets a tropical landclass look to it - but that may be OK if you're running theatre specific installs.

b) Go get Rhumbas mod - install it & run the batch file to create the texture folder BEFORE copying these texture files across.

Thanks to dvslats for converting Aime Leclerc's FSX textures for CFS 2 - these really do transform the pacific tropical forest regions.

Thanks to Rhumbaflappy for his CFS 2 Tropical landclass - a neat little mod to give the rest of South East Asia the same "look" as the SWPTO.

Uncle Tgt,

MAY 2010

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Last update
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