S-100 Schnellboot base model

S-100 Schnellboot base model 1

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The Schnellboot, or more commonly E-boat or S-boat, became the mainstay of the German navy during WWII. Over 293 S-boats were constructed and used not only by Germany but Spain, China, Denmark, Great Britain ( Post war ) and the USA ( also Post war ). Developed in the mid 1920s as anti submarine patrol boats and given the designation UZ, the S-boat went on to become one of the best and most feared of all small patrol craft. After the War, the S-boat was used extensively by the Danish Navy in the Balkan sea as a patrol craft where it was used for keeping tabs on Communist ships, and for covert operations.

This model is a facsimile of a late WWII S-100 class S-boat and has a top speed of 44 knots @ 1600 RPM. It is a beta release and therefore not complete. I am still developing the 2D panel for it and will be making corrections to a couple of small texture mapping issues. to enter the Wheelhouse from the bridge, simply press "A". Shift-A takes you back to the bridge.. A GPS is included to help you navigate. Pressing F2 will put the boat into reverse, but coming out of reverse is a bit more complex as i haven't solved that issue yet.. To exit reverse, press Ctrl-F1 and wait for the boat to slow down, then move the throttle forward, pressing Ctrl-F4 to rotate the props back to full position.. "E" opens the torpedo doors, but I haven't animated the torpedos yet. Ctrl-E starts the engines.

Have fun.. I hope you like it.

Submitted by warchild September 20th, 2013
First release
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